Mitarbeiterin mit Datenbrille
Mitarbeiterin mit Datenbrille
Stefanie Beer, ICS Logistics & Manufacturing

Data Glasses

Digitalization is a big hit within our warehouse. For the virtual assistant alias data glasses "head mounted tablet" (HMT) there are three use cases at ICS, which we will take a closer look at.

Three use cases that make your life easier
  • Remote support from the Application Management team during onsite E2E and functional tests in Monselice, and to be in direct contact with the Testers who are moving around the warehouse.
  • With the HMT-1, the Testers in the Italian warehouse can establish a video call, via voice command, with the Team in Austria, and have the ability to describe the support case accompanied by a live image transmission.
  • Acceptance by an external supplier, which has so far taken place onsite, can be carried out via data glasses, the layouts and labels of the acceptance are to be recorded via camera or images.


The advantages at a glance

The data glasses HMT-1 can be considered as a mini android tablet. The advantage is that you don't have to look through them all the time. The wearer concentrates with one eye either on the Android tablet or looks past it into the real world. Furthermore, the basic version is multilingual and voice-controlled. The installation and operation is simple and easy to learn. The goal is to be able to provide straightforward, fast and effective IT support.