Neue Abteilungsleiter:innen 2020
Neue Abteilungsleiter:innen 2020
Kylie Mitchell and Max Ehammer

ICS Career Kickstarter

June 2020 saw not one, but two new Department Heads start their new roles here at ICS. Kylie Mitchell and Max Ehammer.

Kylie Mitchell, originally from Australia, is the Head of the newly formed Digital Workplace Services Department. The vision is to provide a modern workplace with the latest collaboration tools, that connect our users with their customers and partners, support any device anywhere and ensure the infrastructure constantly evolves to support new ways of work. To achieve this the department has adopted a services structure approach with the customer firmly in the center of the new organization.

Max Ehammer is the new Head of the ICS Core Technology team and unites 35 technology enthusiasts and experts together with the mission to constantly evolve our core technology stack and ensure our entire IT environment is ready for the future and new technologies are seamlessly introduced into the technology portfolio.