Our former apprentices experienced their learning path as very exciting and informative. They were able to build up their knowledge in various IT areas and are now successfully advancing in their roles!
At the age of 18, Shweta started her apprenticeship at SPAR in office management! Today she is Purchasing Assistant in IT Procurement at SPAR ICS. For this role, the native Indian brings with her a great deal of professional and personal competence. Above all, communication and perfectionism are important for her area of responsibility. Order processing, communication with customers and suppliers, invoice approval, budget planning and support in purchasing projects are on Shweta's agenda.
The personal highlight of her apprenticeship was: "...that I came back to the ICS and am allowed to work in my favorite department again."
Favorite quote: "Do good and good will come to you!"
Philipp decided to start an IT apprenticeship in his last compulsory school year. He was convinced by SPAR's advertisement and send his application to us. In the first year, he was part of the Workplace Services team, then he moved to the Service Desk and finished his apprenticeship in the Network Team. Today he is Support Engineer eCommerce in the Digital Operations Team and responsible for the operation of the online shops. Besides the daily business he supports in projects around the further development of the online shops and was recently involved in the successful project Dropshipment.
His personal highlight: "The chance to start at ICS!”
His life motto: "Push Limits!”
We wish our young stars a successful career path!