Understanding rather than judging - Ursula Schoberleithner at SHEconomy



Ursula Schoberleithner
Ursula Schoberleithner
SPAR ICS women create retail future.

One of them is Ursula Schoberleithner, head of the SPAR ICS "Retail Technology" team, who recently gave an interview to the business platform for women SHEconomy.

Ursula has been a team leader for 1.5 years and in her operational role is also the main contact person for SES Spar European Shopping Centers: Here, her responsibilities include the budget planning process for IT-relevant topics and product management as well as the further/new development of software solutions or network infrastructure projects in shopping centres. The combination of industries, the fast pace of IT and the importance of the food trade with its contribution to security of supply - this is what she sees as special and exciting about her work. In the current interview, you can read about Ursula's perception of employee management and development and what is particularly important to her. 

Read the interview here: „Verstehen statt Urteilen“ - Sheconomy Wirtschaftsmagazin