Also this year, we were guests at the Confare CIO SUMMIT to share our retail expertise. Together with other representatives of the IT industry, we exchanged experiences and gave insights into our successful projects.
This year's Confare #CIOSUMMIT offered more than 400 visitors 80 exciting presentations, 11 CIO Executive Arenas, a special Darknet Screening and many other extras. The event is and remains Austria's undisputed number 1 IT management forum as an interface between providers, universities, media, politics and IT decision-makers from the DACH region.
Our contribution was to highlight the topic "How SPAR ICS is shaping the new world of work - Distance Working, changing work culture and the impact on IT strategy" from different perspectives within a workshop. These levels were: Personal, Projects, Portfolio, Agile Transformation, Innovation, Organizational Learning, Vision and Strategy. We focused on our internal building blocks - Data Driven, Outcome Oriented, Framework, Nail it then scale it and Responsibility & Accountability - providing valuable insights into a top functioning IT shaping the commerce of the future. Check the details in the video!
Kylie Mitchell, Head of Digital Workplace Services, volunteered for the Confare Female IT-Mentoring Programme, where she gave advice and support to young executives and high potentials during the CIO SUMMIT. The programme offers young women the opportunity to talk to experienced female IT managers from renowned companies about career, life and networking. The Female IT Mentoring Support Programme was also very well attended by our ICS employees. Four of our junior executives and female IT managers took advantage of this unique opportunity.