Fernsehstudio bei Aufnahmen
Fernsehstudio bei Aufnahmen
Behind the scenes

ICS Kickoff 2021

At the largest ICS event of the year, our employees enjoyed a digital journey into the future of retail. The event location, SENNS, provided the perfect stage for all speakers to present technologies, innovations and ICS projects in parallel sessions.

An event of excellence!

Over 350 participants were live when the motto of 2020 was picked up in the retrospective to present the highlights of the last year in front of the camera. Then the journey started towards 2021: the event offered interesting insights into the latest developments that are moving the digitalised world in these times - from digital marketing to cloud, agile organisation, IT security, data science and engineering. In a dialogue with SPAR CEO Markus Kaser, ICS Managing Director Andreas Kranabitl provided entertaining new perspectives in the Board Insight Session.

Live your goals!

The absolute highlight was a live interview with Alyssa Carson, the first woman who wants to land on Mars. She is studying astrobiology and is being trained by Nasa for her long-term goal. Because ever since she was a little girl she wanted to get to Mars! Although there were always hurdles, she overcame all challenges and never let her goal out of her sight.

All ICS employees could feel this passion and motivation, even though she was speaking in front of the camera thousands of kilometres away in Louisiana/USA. At the end, she also answered all the questions asked. Pure enthusiasm - from her as an ambitious, future astronaut and from the ICS employees.

The organization is what counts!

The camera team and our in-house event team (organisation, technology) did an extraordinary job. The agenda was fine-tuned weeks beforehand in order to digitally inspire the audience via livestream. The teasers and trailers set the stage perfectly for the ICS event. The hosts guided the audience competently through the variety of topics. During the breaks, everyone was encouraged to dance to the beats.

The résumé: Positive feedback was received from all invited guests as well as from our colleagues in the business departments. And:

"The content was very interesting, so that it was hard to choose one of the parallel sessions."

Good thing that the entire event was recorded and is available on our own ICS channel!