
Microsoft Power Platform

The market now offers a wide range of platforms from established providers. At SPAR ICS, we decided on the Microsoft solution - specifically the cloud-based Microsoft Power Platform (MPP). With its products Power Apps, Power Automate and Power BI, this platform provides suitable tools for developing applications efficiently. 

Low-code for better efficiency!

Low-code is the market's answer to the fact that IT capacities in software development have been too low for many years. Low-code platforms provide developers with an easy-to-use construction kit of standardized modules that can be assembled as needed on a graphical user interface. Low code (low coding effort) and no code (no coding effort) thus increase the speed of software development, reduce costs and shift parts of the tasks to the business departments and thus directly to the users.


Advantages of a low-code platform:

·        Faster and simpler implementation

·        Lower implementation costs

·        Does not necessarily require a software developer

·        Browser-independent

·        High degree of standardization and reusability


Suitable use cases (examples):

·        Replacement projects (e.g. legacy Excel and Access applications, lists, ...)

·        Simple data acquisition and analysis

·        Small requirements

·        Additions to existing solutions (Add Ons)

·        Temporary solutions


With a specialized MPP development team, we have also positioned ourselves well in terms of personnel for low code. Since the beginning of the year, three software developers have been working intensively with the power platform and have already successfully implemented three projects. This is only possible with a strong in-house developer community that deals with state-of-the-art technologies and sets new standards for the future of retail.